Surgery Flashcard Collection 🔪

A collection of over 1700 surgery-focused flashcards covering key UKMLA AKT topics.


What's included?

1500+ flashcards
A robust collection of high-quality surgical flashcards.
UKMLA topics
Our flashcards cover key UKMLA topics and provide high-yield facts for effective AKT revision.
Dynamic decks
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Spaced repetition
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What are the most common causative organisms responsible for septic arthritis?

  • Staphylococcus aureus (most common pathogen across all age groups)
  • Streptococci species  
  • Neisseria gonorrhoea (especially in young, sexually active patients)
  • Escherichia coli (especially in elderly and immunocompromised patients)

Tip: Staphylococci or streptococci species account for approximately 90% of cases.

Link: Septic arthritis 

What are the typical symptoms of necrotising fasciitis?

  • Pain out of proportion to the clinical findings 
  • Skin discolouration
  • Skin blistering
  • Fever
  • Malaise

Link: Necrotising fasciitis 

What is the first-line imaging investigation for a suspected scaphoid fracture?

X-ray, with four specific scaphoid views

  • Posteroanterior
  • True lateral
  • Semi-pronated oblique
  • Posteroanterior with the wrist in ulnar deviation

Tip: Acutely, scaphoid fractures are often difficult to identify on X-ray and may not be seen in 20% of cases.

Link: Scaphoid fracture

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Surgery Flashcard Collection 🔪

A collection of over 1700 surgery-focused flashcards covering key UKMLA AKT topics.

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