Anatomy Flashcard Collection 🫁

A collection of over 2000 high-quality anatomy flashcards covering key anatomical topics.


What's included?

2000+ flashcards
A robust collection of high quality anatomy flashcards.
Key topics
Topics include head, neck, thorax, abdomen, pelvis, limbs and neuroanatomy.
Dynamic decks
Generate dynamic flashcard decks based on tags (e.g. specific body sub-regions, tissue types) or bookmarks.
Spaced repetition
Use our spaced repetition mode to increase long term retention of knowledge.


What is the origin and insertion of the lateral rectus muscle?

  • Origin: common tendinous ring or the annulus of Zinn
  • Insertion: lateral aspect of the sclera

Link: Eye Anatomy

Name the cranial nerve that passes through the foramina of the cribriform plate

Olfactory nerve (I)

Link: Cranial Foramina

Describe the components of the pes anserinus of the tibia

From anterior to posterior:

  • Sartorius
  • Gracilis
  • Semitendinosus

Link: Pes Anserinus

Researcher next to a lab table

Anatomy Flashcard Collection 🫁

A collection of over 2000 high-quality anatomy flashcards covering key anatomical topics.

12 months of access (will NOT auto-renew)

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